Saturday 27 December 2008

Merry Chuffing Christmas

Hello blog reader,

Did you have a nice Christmas? Cherry and Shiv here to tell you all about the world of Biscuits for Girls.

Here you can:

Listen with your eyes to the tragic tale of Mr Willington, the Man Who Pooed through his Willy.

Watch with amazement tales of Zoos from the BBC open service

Learn with wonderment about A Dog Called Phil Collins (no relation)

Percolate on the meaning of Life as Shiv and I set aside a weekend to discover it

Wave along with all your friends and discover the therapeutic benefits of waving

Yes, we shall be blogging like good 'uns. OK we can' t think of anything much to say now. But just bally well watch this space and you won't regret it.

Loveth to thou

Cherry and Shiv


Wednesday 24 December 2008

Mistletoe and Whine

Hello World,

Cherry here. As Shiv hasn't already said it, welcome to our blog. Here you will learn the secrets of the universe, including the significance of the word "Bobvious" and the political stance of all the pizza restaurants from South London to Hove.

But first, let me tell you a festive story, of how The Green Stole Christmas.

My current contract is based in a tree-hugging, do-gooding, natural yoghurt weaving environmental government department. This week, on a routine trip to the kitchen, I found that someone had pinned a chart on the wall. At the centre of it were the words "To make 2009 more sustainable, I will..." and around it everyone had put up post-it notes claiming they were going to recycle their wrapping paper and reduce their carbon footprint.

I went back to my desk and continued with my work. But the chart in the kitchen continued to haunt me for several days. It was so well meaning and yet so utterly humourless. I had to intervene.

The very next day I brought my own post its into work and now the sign boasts the following suggestions for making 2009 more sustainable:

Bring your goat to work day
Get a windmill
Sack 2 people (suggestions here)
Only flush on every 3rd trip
Stop wasting post its

Childish, but I gained tremendous satisfaction.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

A toast to the roast

While researching turkey roasting times to ensure my Mum doesn't poison me this festive season while I sup Snowballs in an easy chair, I came across a rather marvellous glossary. It was stuffed to its little wing tips with names for those crazy composite Christmas roasts that hairy men on C4 cookery programmes make.

So Biscuit for Girls fan, if one roasted bird is just not enough, why not try the Cockatrice, which is "several birds of varying sizes, one inside each other." Sounds more like the sort of roast Premier League footballers video on their mobiles.

Or perhaps you'll find the family just love to polish (off) a Turducken. This is a simple ensemble of "a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey with sausagemeat stuffing." Yum. Keep piling that meat on. Hold the sprouts.

All things considered, I think I may just have to take Cherry up on her offer a turkey roast in a toastie instead.

Hello Shiv

Now we have a blog!
