Wednesday 24 December 2008

Mistletoe and Whine

Hello World,

Cherry here. As Shiv hasn't already said it, welcome to our blog. Here you will learn the secrets of the universe, including the significance of the word "Bobvious" and the political stance of all the pizza restaurants from South London to Hove.

But first, let me tell you a festive story, of how The Green Stole Christmas.

My current contract is based in a tree-hugging, do-gooding, natural yoghurt weaving environmental government department. This week, on a routine trip to the kitchen, I found that someone had pinned a chart on the wall. At the centre of it were the words "To make 2009 more sustainable, I will..." and around it everyone had put up post-it notes claiming they were going to recycle their wrapping paper and reduce their carbon footprint.

I went back to my desk and continued with my work. But the chart in the kitchen continued to haunt me for several days. It was so well meaning and yet so utterly humourless. I had to intervene.

The very next day I brought my own post its into work and now the sign boasts the following suggestions for making 2009 more sustainable:

Bring your goat to work day
Get a windmill
Sack 2 people (suggestions here)
Only flush on every 3rd trip
Stop wasting post its

Childish, but I gained tremendous satisfaction.