Wednesday 17 December 2008

A toast to the roast

While researching turkey roasting times to ensure my Mum doesn't poison me this festive season while I sup Snowballs in an easy chair, I came across a rather marvellous glossary. It was stuffed to its little wing tips with names for those crazy composite Christmas roasts that hairy men on C4 cookery programmes make.

So Biscuit for Girls fan, if one roasted bird is just not enough, why not try the Cockatrice, which is "several birds of varying sizes, one inside each other." Sounds more like the sort of roast Premier League footballers video on their mobiles.

Or perhaps you'll find the family just love to polish (off) a Turducken. This is a simple ensemble of "a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey with sausagemeat stuffing." Yum. Keep piling that meat on. Hold the sprouts.

All things considered, I think I may just have to take Cherry up on her offer a turkey roast in a toastie instead.