Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Nazi gold, cuckoo clocks, the large Hadron Collider and me.

That's right folks, I've just flown back from neutral Switzerland and boy are my arms tired.

I've been visiting a friend in Zurich, the German bit.

Things I learnt:

1) They don't let tourists press buttons on the Large Hadron Collider. Apparently the risk of creating a black hole is minimal but not that minimal, thus making Angels and Demons even less believable than it already is.

2) The Swiss have an overblown idea of how much cuckoo clocks are worth. 200F? I think not!

3) Nazi gold is very well hidden. I didn't find any.

4) Popular psychologist Carl Jung (known for his theories on synchronicities that are slightly more believable than Angels and Demons) built a tower on late Zurich and spent a lot of his adult life hiding in it. Despite being the only famous dead person Zurich had on offer, the Zurichians showed no desire to make a tourist attraction of this, and indeed the boat passed by without even pointing it out. Come on Switzerland, put down the sausage and pay attention to your heritage.