Wednesday 4 November 2009

A dog name is for life...

The weather at lunchtime was crisp and dry like a popular 80s cooking oil, so I went for a walk into the village where I work. Outside the local store, I spotted a lady talking to her dog before she popped in to buy a weekly paper, or some date expired dairylea slices*. Now I am not exactly on the Crufts judging panel here, but it was some kind of reddy chocolatey labrador blend. You get the idea.

"There there Skippy, you just wait there," she said.

I then puzzled all the way back to the office as to whether Skippy was an appropriate name for a dog. Bush kangaroo, yes. Dog, hmm. Not convinced.

But then, to my mind, dogs should get simple nouns for names, like Banana or Fondue. If we give them human names, we let them think they are like us. And they should know their place.

Though nothing puts you more in your place than picking up Banana's poo in a Tesco carrier bag.

*I did get £5 in vouchers and a "sorry" letter where they spelt my name wrong.

PS wasn't really worth waiting 5 months for was it, but seeing as there's two names on this blog...