Sunday 22 November 2009

Ex pat life

I have survived my first week as an ex-pat, and you’ll never guess what? I bloody love it (although this may be subject to change).

Gibraltar is a far simpler place to live and work than the UK. It is also significantly warmer.
Gib also has something the UK will never have. A channel called Gibraltar Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) which is perhaps the most wonderful thing I have seen in my entire life. I think it deserves a post of its own another time.

People say that living in Gib is similar to the eighties and it is so true, right down to the dogshit! I am a bit worried about what am going to do with all my trendy London gear. I could easily end up looking like am on my way to a fancy dress party. I don’t think Gib is ready for my jumpsuits yet. I don’t think they have had jumpsuits the first time around yet. I would go a little further and say it is a bit like an 80s sitcom, but that is based almost solely on a morning spent in the Gibraltar tax office. I’m upholding this by watching re-runs of Last of the Summer Wine on UKGold. And wouldn’t you bloody know it, the episode where Compo rolls down a hill in a bath was on over the weekend! Last of the Summer Wine is ACE, why did no one tell me? I am digging the eighties and will be going out to buy a spectrum and a lolo ball at some point this week.

Most excitingly of all, I have found a venue for Gibraltar’s first comedy club, and may well be coming out of retirement soon! Watch this space for more info.

Still have not been to see the monkeys, but like I said, don’t want to wear the place out.

Overall I am having a ball and am not missing London one little bit. I miss people but not London. Cut to 11am tomorrow when I am screaming “Get me off this ridiculous bloody rock and back to civilisation”!