Sunday 25 October 2009

Gibraltar? No I went of my own accord.

Hi biscuit fans. Yep. Both of you.

So the hot gossip on everyone’s lips here in biscuit land is that I (Cherry) am going to be carrying out a life experiment, that involves moving to Gibraltar for 3 months. Now many of you are probably thinking “What sort of experiment is that?”, “Where’s your control?”, “What statistical test is going to prove it significant?” and “Where or where is your retort stand?”

All good questions. None of which will be answered here.

So after a fairly long and tedious 2009, filled with a lot of hard work, I have decided to seek excitement, adventure and really wild things on a strange retro peninsular that has yet to leave the seventies. There and southern Spain. I reckon 3 months should be loads of time!

Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place. Ho ho.

In case you were wondering, I’ve been offered a job there. A large betting firm want me to sort out their website, so that people with gambling problems can fritter their children’s university funds without running into tedious usability problems. I’ve decided on a big banner on the home page that reads “How much of your personal wealth would you be willing to gamble if there was a slight chance you would become immeasurably rich?”, the user simply types in a number and the site deducts that sum from their bank account. Easy peasy.

Although that is supposedly why I am going, I shall also be doing a little light hunting of sea monsters while I am at it. Scylla and Charydbis being the critters thought to inhabit that bit of sea. So I shall routinely be wading into the sea, holding animal carcasses attempting to do a spot of summoning.

Anyway I am now the owner of The Largest Suitcase in the World and am trying to decide which shoes to take with me. Choices choices. Honestly, the suitcase is huge, it is a suitcase I can fit in. Maybe I will try and take a photo of me in my suitcase in order to prove this point.

My sister told me an amusing story today about a friend of a friend who moved to a very small town in Cambridgeshire and hated it so much that he started a blog about how shit it was. Long story short, the villagers found out about it and ran him out of town. They actually ran him out of town! I was so delighted by this that I am now wondering if I can use the power of social media to get deported from Gibraltar! Watch this space people!

Off to plan my leaving party as I prepare to navigate Scylla and Charydbis!

The Big C