Tuesday 27 October 2009

Wishing on a star

Last night as I made my way through the world I saw a shooting star. Unusual in inner London, but you tend to get more of them around the end of October and the beginning of November. Often accompanied by a high pitched whistle.

So anyway I saw my shooting star and like any sensible person, I made a wish. I’m not convinced that such wishes will come true but it seemed foolish to potentially look a gift horse in the mouth. As an aside, does anyone know where that expression comes from? Can you tell me if you do? Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

Anyway. There I am wishing away and I got to wondering, how so many things are associated with making wishes and yet so few wishes come true. Birthday candles, eyelashes, stars and so forth. And yet the only time I have made wishes come true it has had bugger all to do with eyelashes and everything to do with sheer bloody mindedness.

If the eyelash thing worked I’d have about twenty five ponies by now. And I’d be at the stage where I would have to start wishing for fields and hay.

Some of the wishes I’ve made this week have included “I wish I had some bacon,” “I wish I didn’t just put my hand in the toaster,” and “I wish I hadn’t drunk all the wine in the world last night.” None of which were last night’s wish, but now I do wish I’d wished for bacon. Bacon might not be achievable for this morning (until I invent time travel!) but it sure is available in the future... so do wishes depend on time? I wish I knew!