Thursday 19 August 2010

Last night at the Lodge

Greetings and felicitations to all.

What a glorious day today is. For tonight is the last night in my lodge. Until next week but we wont mention that.

It seems that the normal thing for lodge dwellers to do of an evening is wait until I am in bed and shriek nonsensical bell-endular talk to your foul harpy friends. So tonight, 3am will see me standing outside the room opposite hollering “He’s not worf it Chantal” while sobbing hysterically (being a loner I have to do both sides of the conversation) and swigging from a catering pack of blue WKD.

Now, my sister tells me that Northampton does have an interesting citizen. None other than Alan Moore, author of the Watchmen and V for Vendetta graphic novels which seriously rocks the world of anyone who’s gaze falls upon it. So I shall try to hunt him down. Last night I looked for him in Pizza Express. He wasn’t there, but there is another place called the “Moorish Cafe” so I expect he will be in there.

This weekend I’m off to a spa hotel in the New Forest. I’m slightly concerned that it will not keep me in the manner to which I have become accustomed. I might see if there is a travel inn of some sort on a nearby A road instead.